Translating scientific discoveries into novel therapuetics

My time at MHC was just the start of an incredible journey of discovery.

Major: Biochemistry

Advanced Degrees:

Employer: Centers for Therapeutic Innovation, Pfizer

My time at MHC was just the start of an incredible journey of discovery. My MHC experience gave me the necessary foundation and knowledge to secure my first job as a research technician at Beth Israel Hospital. There I was introduced to the world of medical research and the field of Immunology. Having discovered a love of immunology, I went to graduate school at Dartmouth College where I got my Ph.D. in Biochemistry.

In graduate school, I discovered a deep love of research, to this day there is still no greater thrill than analyzing an experiment, seeing the data and realizing that the experiment supports the hypothesis. After graduate school, I completed two postdoc fellowships, focusing on autoimmune disease related research, believing that a career in academics and teaching was in my future.

After 12 years in academics, I realized that I wanted to help transform the work done at bench into something that would help people; with that I transitioned to the pharmaceutical industry joining Pfizer’s Centers for Therapeutic Innovation. At Pfizer, I work with academic partners helping to translate their discoveries at the bench into novel therapeutics.